Getting Over IT Download For PC Highly Compressed In Parts Full Game

Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy is a platformer video game developed by Bennett Foddy. The game was released as part of the October 2017 Humble Monthly, on October 6, 2017 where it went on to be played by over 2.7 million players.A Steam version of the game was later released by Foddy on December 6, 2017 The game was also released on iOS that same day. The Android version was released on April 25, 2018.A Linux build has been available for Beta testing since August 11, 2018; on the next day it was moved out of Beta.Getting Over It revolves around a man by the name of Diogenes – who, somewhat true to his namesake, resides in a large metal cauldron – and wields a Yosemite hammer, which he can use to grip objects and move himself. Using the mouse or trackpad (controllers are supported but make the game harder because of the lack of precision in the joysticks), the player tries to move the man's upper body and sledge hammer in order to climb a steep mountain.The game is accompanied ...